Massive Shout Out and Thank You to the Onkaparinga ON Program. We have successfully attained a grant for our community website, and we are paying it forward by thanking YOU –the Ambient Menu Users!


Thank you for helping us, to help other South Australians. The Ambient Menu relies on diners to leave reviews, so we build our database of quiet restaurants, so Adelaidians know where they are.



We have teamed up with The Card Network to reward the diners who help us as we start out. Every review and social media interaction help us spread the word, which help us support the restaurant industry fight back from Covid, as well as assist people who seek quieter venues.


  • Your first restaurant review on the Ambient Menu = FIVE POINTS
  • Subsequent ratings = TWO POINTS
  • Tag us in your socials (if you’re at a great restaurant and want the people of Adelaide to know about it) = ONE POINT


When you achieve 50 points, you get a $50 The Card Network Restaurant Voucher to be spent at any dine-in venue that accepts EFTPOS.


Click on this link to see where you can use your points

The Restaurant Card – TCN Choice Cards


To see how easy it is to leave a review, click on this link: How to leave a rating on the Ambient Menu WebApp – Ambient Menu


The Fine Print:

  1. Your points don’t expire. Once you start earning your next voucher it will be honoured.
  2. There is no limit on how many ‘ratings’ points you can earn per month
  3. Two facebook / insta ‘tags’ per month limit (real the gold is in the ratings).
  4. We are a grant-funded community initiative. The rewards program will remain as long as the grant funding does. However, anyone who starts earning points towards a new rewards voucher will be honoured by the Ambient Menu when they accumulate their next $50 voucher.
  5. We will notify website users via our socials and email when this looks like it will happen, but we hope we will continue to be supported so we won’t have to wrap this rewards program up (but just in case, an early adopter and start your voucher while we can)
  6. Our hastags are:

#ambientmenu #conversationfriendly #ambientmenuquiet #ambientmenulow #ambientmenumoderate #ambientmenulively #quietrestaurantsSA #ambientmenukidsfriendly #ambientmenuagedfriendly


And importantly, Bon Appetit


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